Panchavati Nashik

Overview | How to Reach | Sightseeing | Hotels
Panchvati is a beautiful historical place situated nearby the river Godavari which flows through another historic city in Maharashtra- Nashik. Panchvati is historically important because it was here that Lord Rama along with his wife Sita and beloved Brother Laxman stayed for some period of time when they were still in exile.

Why the name Panchavati?

The name comes from the Sanskrit origin which means Panch- Five and Vati means Garden. Panchvati bears five huge and bold Banyan trees which are present around the garden with a deep cave in between. The Panchvati cave served as the dwelling for Sita for a long time while they stayed at Panchvati.

Nashik Panchvati

What is the significance of the Panchvati Cave?

Panchvati have seen a whole lot of history inside. These three great people from Ayodhya (Ram, Laxman, and Sita) visited Panchvati for a safer place. The cave is the place from where our goddess-like figure, the pious lady Sita was kidnapped by Ravana. You can enter inside the cave through a very narrow passage of staircase into a huge room where the idols of Lord Rama and Laxman are placed. There is a Shiva Linga inside the Panchvati Caves.

The places nearby Panchvati

If you just walk moments ahead you can very well encounter Tapovan, the place where gurus and munis did their penance for their ultimate moksha later in life.

Along with the sounds of the grand flow of Godavari River which silently breezes and creates an ambiance that makes you realize how sacred the feeling is when you are present here.

There are places like Kalaram Mandir and Ramkund Memorial which are a must-visit if you have taken efforts to come to Panchvati and have the experience worth and versed.

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